bsplinePsd 0.6.0 (2018-10-18)

Have included a scaling/rescaling factor within the code to remove numerical errors when data is close to machine precision.

Have optimised the starting values for the Dirichlet process parameters.

bsplinePsd 0.5.0 (2018-04-06)

Previous versions only allowed the user to use cubic B-spline densities. This version allows the user to choose any degree. Normalising the B-splines now uses a trivial integral formula.

The function gibbs_bspline can now handle odd length time series.

An S3 plot method has been included so the user can easily plot their PSD estimate.

bsplinePsd 0.2.0 (2018-02-23)

Added an argument called k1 in the gibbs_bspline function. This allows the user to specify the starting value for parameter k. If well-chosen, this can speed up convergence significantly. The default is set to 20, which works well on all of the cases I have come across. If missing (NA), then a random integer between degree + 2 and kmax will be selected as the starting value for k.